CREATIVEPLAY & IMAGINATION STIMULATION Aditi Toys Play DoughIce Cream Maker Set provides endless opportunities for kids to express theircreativity. Children can make a wide variety of ice cream shapes, toppings, anddessert designs. It helps them explore different combinations of colors andshapes, sparking their imagination and allowing them to bring their pretend icecream creations to life. SIMPLE& USER-FRIENDLY DESIGN - The playset is designed to be simple andintuitive for children to use independently. The process involves inserting themold ruler, adding the desired color of dough, and pressing the extruder tocreate fun and unique shapes. The easy-to-use design makes it accessible foryoung children and provides a sense of accomplishment as they see theircreations take shape SKILLDEVELOPMENT - This set offers significant developmental benefits for youngchildren. Using the extruder, molds, and other tools helps enhance their finemotor skills by improving hand strength, dexterity, and coordination. It alsocontributes to perceptual skills as kids learn to match shapes, colors, andpatterns, and it encourages hand-eye coordination during the process ofcreating and decorating their pretend ice cream MULTIPLETOOLS & ACCESSORIES FOR VERSATILE PLAY - The playset includes anassortment of shape Molds, modelling tools, and accessories, such as 1 base, 4ice cream cups, 1 extruder pot, 1 stamper, 11 stamper Molds, 3 Mold stencils, 1cutter, 1 knife, and 6 dough containers (each 50g). These tools provideversatility, allowing children to craft a variety of ice cream styles,including swirls, cones, sundaes, and more. The multiple accessories help keepchildren engaged and entertained, encouraging imaginative role-playingscenarios. SAFE& NON-TOXIC MATERIALS - Safety is a priority, and all componentsof the Aditi Toys Play Dough Ice Cream Maker Set are made from non-toxic,child-safe materials. The modelling dough is soft and easy to Mold, ensuringsafe play for children while providing a mess-free experience for parents. EDUCATIONALBENEFITS - The playset is not just fun; it also offers educational value. Itintroduces children to concepts such as colour recognition, shapes, andcounting (for example, counting the number of toppings they add). It alsopromotes problem-solving as kids figure out how to use the tools to achievetheir desired designs.
CREATIVEPLAY & IMAGINATION STIMULATION Aditi Toys Play DoughIce Cream Maker Set provides endless opportunities for kids to express theircreativity. Children can make a wide variety of ice cream shapes, toppings, anddessert designs. It helps them explore different combinations of colors andshapes, sparking their imagination and allowing them to bring their pretend icecream creations to life. SIMPLE& USER-FRIENDLY DESIGN - The playset is designed to be simple andintuitive for children to use independently. The process involves inserting themold ruler, adding the desired color of dough, and pressing the extruder tocreate fun and unique shapes. The easy-to-use design makes it accessible foryoung children and provides a sense of accomplishment as they see theircreations take shape SKILLDEVELOPMENT - This set offers significant developmental benefits for youngchildren. Using the extruder, molds, and other tools helps enhance their finemotor skills by improving hand strength, dexterity, and coordination. It alsocontributes to perceptual skills as kids learn to match shapes, colors, andpatterns, and it encourages hand-eye coordination during the process ofcreating and decorating their pretend ice cream MULTIPLETOOLS & ACCESSORIES FOR VERSATILE PLAY - The playset includes anassortment of shape Molds, modelling tools, and accessories, such as 1 base, 4ice cream cups, 1 extruder pot, 1 stamper, 11 stamper Molds, 3 Mold stencils, 1cutter, 1 knife, and 6 dough containers (each 50g). These tools provideversatility, allowing children to craft a variety of ice cream styles,including swirls, cones, sundaes, and more. The multiple accessories help keepchildren engaged and entertained, encouraging imaginative role-playingscenarios. SAFE& NON-TOXIC MATERIALS - Safety is a priority, and all componentsof the Aditi Toys Play Dough Ice Cream Maker Set are made from non-toxic,child-safe materials. The modelling dough is soft and easy to Mold, ensuringsafe play for children while providing a mess-free experience for parents. EDUCATIONALBENEFITS - The playset is not just fun; it also offers educational value. Itintroduces children to concepts such as colour recognition, shapes, andcounting (for example, counting the number of toppings they add). It alsopromotes problem-solving as kids figure out how to use the tools to achievetheir desired designs.
CREATIVEPLAY & IMAGINATION STIMULATION Aditi Toys Play DoughIce Cream Maker Set provides endless opportunities for kids to express theircreativity. Children can make a wide variety of ice cream shapes, toppings, anddessert designs. It helps them explore different combinations of colors andshapes, sparking their imagination and allowing them to bring their pretend icecream creations to life. SIMPLE& USER-FRIENDLY DESIGN - The playset is designed to be simple andintuitive for children to use independently. The process involves inserting themold ruler, adding the desired color of dough, and pressing the extruder tocreate fun and unique shapes. The easy-to-use design makes it accessible foryoung children and provides a sense of accomplishment as they see theircreations take shape SKILLDEVELOPMENT - This set offers significant developmental benefits for youngchildren. Using the extruder, molds, and other tools helps enhance their finemotor skills by improving hand strength, dexterity, and coordination. It alsocontributes to perceptual skills as kids learn to match shapes, colors, andpatterns, and it encourages hand-eye coordination during the process ofcreating and decorating their pretend ice cream MULTIPLETOOLS & ACCESSORIES FOR VERSATILE PLAY - The playset includes anassortment of shape Molds, modelling tools, and accessories, such as 1 base, 4ice cream cups, 1 extruder pot, 1 stamper, 11 stamper Molds, 3 Mold stencils, 1cutter, 1 knife, and 6 dough containers (each 50g). These tools provideversatility, allowing children to craft a variety of ice cream styles,including swirls, cones, sundaes, and more. The multiple accessories help keepchildren engaged and entertained, encouraging imaginative role-playingscenarios. SAFE& NON-TOXIC MATERIALS - Safety is a priority, and all componentsof the Aditi Toys Play Dough Ice Cream Maker Set are made from non-toxic,child-safe materials. The modelling dough is soft and easy to Mold, ensuringsafe play for children while providing a mess-free experience for parents. EDUCATIONALBENEFITS - The playset is not just fun; it also offers educational value. Itintroduces children to concepts such as colour recognition, shapes, andcounting (for example, counting the number of toppings they add). It alsopromotes problem-solving as kids figure out how to use the tools to achievetheir desired designs.